Our Team

AboutOur Team

John Elstob heads up the business, backed by a savvy team of sales and support staff.

John Elstob
John Elstob Director / Owner

Jump links: Click the buttons below to jump to the team you wish to view

Our Sales Team

Turning up on your doorstep with appropriate regularity, we have the regional Sales Reps, corralled and tamed by Craig Jeffries, our Sales Manager. Please see these guys and gals as your direct help line for any assistance whatsoever. They have all been whipped into shape to provide expert information on our products and services – treat them like your own virtual team.

Craig Jeffries
Craig Jeffries Sales Manager - Waikato / BOP
Jimmy Douglas
Jimmy Douglas Sales Rep - Auckland / Northland
Janie Martin
Janie Martin Sales Rep - Waikato / Bay of Plenty
Julia Fisher
Julia Fisher Instruments & Equipment Rep
Iain McGlashen
Iain McGlashen Sales Rep - Taranaki
Teresa Sanson
Teresa Sanson Sales Rep - Lower North Island
Megan Fisher
Megan Fisher Sales Rep - Christchurch / Tauranga
Barry Gibb
Barry Gibb Sales Rep - South Island
Robbie Williams
Robbie Williams Sales Rep - Zebra Vet NZ
Katie Jones
Katie Jones Sales Rep - Auckland / Hamilton

Our Call Center Team

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Jude Westwood
Jude Westwood Customer Service & Christchurch Branch Manager
Vicky Keen
Vicky Keen Customer Service - Auckland / Northland
Sam Fleming
Sam Fleming Customer Service - Waikato / BOP
Ruth Simpson
Ruth Simpson Customer Service - Waikato / BOP
Debbie Kornman
Debbie Kornman Customer Service - Waikato / BOP
Nicola Govan
Nicola Govan Customer Service - Lower North Island
Angela Snook
Angela Snook Customer Service - South Island
Natalie Langmore
Natalie Langmore Purchasing Coordinator
Helen Still
Helen Still Purchasing Coordinator
Paul Yaxley
Paul Yaxley Purchasing Coordinator

SVS Consultancy

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Michelle de Beer
Michelle de Beer HR Manager / Consultant
Jenna Dunn
Jenna Dunn HR Coordinator / HR Consultant
Shauni Courtney
Shauni Courtney HR Coordinator

Our Hamilton Warehouse Team

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Brydon Tepania
Brydon Tepania
Hamilton Warehouse

Our Palmerston North Warehouse Team

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Iain McGlashen
Iain McGlashen Palmerston North Branch Manager
Palmerston North Warehouse

Our Christchurch Warehouse Team

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Jude Westwood
Jude Westwood Customer Service & Christchurch Branch Manager
Christchurch Warehouse

SVS has the whole package of services and more!

SVS continues in developing our level and type of services and products. Contact us now to find out more.